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Want To Start Up A Lifetime Business Without Leaving Your Bed?


Get My Turkey Importation Blueprint, Importers Guide To Fabrics Importation, Hair Importation and Skyrocket your Mini- Importation Business COMBO


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You will finally learn how to import premium goods from TURKEY, lovely Fabrics from China, Dubai and Turkey, Hair Importation and how to Skyrocket your mini-importation Business as well as get an awesome bonus training on My Free WhatsApp Conversation Template using just your smartphone!

Enrollment closes in 3 hours!


Does Any Of These Describe You?

  • Your investments on several  Importation training in the past have gone down the drains because you never received value.
  • You desire to have your own Importation business.
  • Your store is filled with products you spent so much money buying and yet not able to sell.
  • You have lost faith in the importation business because of so called agents who scammed you in the past!
  • You seek knowledge because you want to shop personally and for your family at much cheaper rates.
  • You desire to change your financial story in 2022 by starting a profitable online home mini-importation business.
  • You desire  to start Fabrics Importation from China, Dubia  and Turkey.
  • You desire to skyrokect your mini- importation business.
  • You have  a salon and desire to start importing human hair and hair importation business.

With the Importers guide e-Books COMBO HUGE SALES OFFER intentionally designed for you, you will learn specifically how to import high quality goods from TURKEY, FABRICS Importation, AND HAIR Importation  (without wasting your resources) and you will learn how to run profitable Facebook adverts! This way , your story will change from STRUGGLE to SELL OUT!

The Importers Guide e-Books COMBO OFFER

Here's What You Get When You Pay For This Bundle Today!

Here's What You Get When You Pay For This Bundle Today!

How To Import Fabrics Directly From China, Dubia and Turkey 

You will learn how to import the following and many more:

  • Lace/Ankara Importation from China
  •  Importation of Senator materials and school uniforms from Turkey
  • Importantion of Silk and Printed materials from Dubai
  • You also get the contacts of agents and suppliers worth hundreds of thousands!

How To Import Directly From Turkey

Get all you need to know to import from Turkey. You also get the contacts of agents and suppliers worth hundreds of thousands!

How To Import  Hairs Directly From China, Vietnam, India and Cambodia

You will learn how  to import  Virgin,Remy, Human and Synthetic Hair Extensions from Chinna, Vietnam, India and Cambodia.

You also get the contacts of agents and suppliers.

Skyrocket Your Mini-Importation Busienss

You will get 90 plus Hot products Chinese Supplier Contatcs with shipping agents  contacts.

Ready to Build your Own Business?

I will be giving only Few Persons  access to this e-Books COMBO OFFER at 5000 naira , Once this countdown is off you won't be able to get access to this one-time and Lifetime opportunity.

Save 20,000 Today and Get all The Four e-Books For the Price of one at 5,000


To pay using bank account, pay 5000 Naira only to the account number and send proof of payment to edgemarketplace@gmail.com or WhatsApp: 07055544089. Within 24 hours, e-Books will be send to you! PLEASE NOTE THAT PAYING THROUGH THE LINK GIVES YOU AUTOMATIC ACCESS!

Pay In to:  The Edge Marketplace Global Service

Bank Name: GT Bank

Account Number: 0588656333

See Some Goods Imported By Some of Our Students Who Got The e-Books This Year

Ready to Build your Own Business?

I will be giving only Few Persons  access to this e-Books COMBO OFFER at 5000 naira , Once this countdown is off you won't be able to get access to this one-time and Lifetime opportunity.

Save 20,000 Today and Get all The Four e-Books For the Price of one at 5,000


To pay using bank account, pay 5000 Naira only to the account number and send proof of payment to edgemarketplace@gmail.com or WhatsApp: 07055544089. Within 24 hours, e-Books will be send to you! PLEASE NOTE THAT PAYING THROUGH THE LINK GIVES YOU AUTOMATIC ACCESS!

Pay In to:  The Edge Marketplace Global Service

Bank Name: GT Bank

Account Number: 0588656333

Mrs Odedele Damilola Helen

Odedele Damilola Helen, CEO of The Edge Marketplace Global Services. is  a mini-importer, an e-commerce expert and a funnel creator. I import goods from Dubai, Turkey, Malaysia Italy US, UK, etc. and sell them easily online.

She started her e-commerce business in 2017 and struggled in the first year. she found it difficult determining the right goods to import, choosing the right agents, shipping to her location and determining the right prices.

Then she began her research, attended several trainings and increased her network over the years which led to discovering the information contained in this guide.

Today, she make maximum profits from imported goods spending less time searching for what to bring in and who to bring them in, all in good time to concentrate on expanding her business.

She import goods from China, Turkey, US, UK, Malaysia, Dubai, Vietnam without stepping out of her house, which has given her more time to take care of her family. Interestingly, this entire journey all started with her mobile phone.

 She sell online using platforms such as Facebook Advertising, WhatsApp and her E-commerce store.

Now she is passionate about helping women like her to start this mini-importation business which rescued her from some years ago from being a full time house wife to being a work from home mum while building her E-commerce growing compay.

These e-Books is to help you become a confident and professional  importer. 

I have had student over-time who after reading through this importers guides attempted importation from three countries almost immediately because of the simplicity and comprehensiveness of this training…

Imagine learning how to import anything from the comfort of your home without stress, relating with tested and trusted suppliers in whatever  product you desire, agents and even shipping companies...

Take a moment and picture how your PROFIT will exponentially increase when you start buying directly from source.

Grab The Importers Guide e-Books COMBO OFFER And Get Started On Building Your Own Profitable E-Commerce Business Right Away!

(Only For Fast Action Takers)

Ready to Build your Own Business?

I will be giving only Few Persons  access to this e-Books COMBO OFFER at 5000 naira , Once this countdown is off you won't be able to get access to this one-time and Lifetime opportunity.

Save 20,000 Today and Get all The Four e-Books For the Price of one at 5,000


To pay using bank account, pay 5000 Naira only to the account number and send proof of payment to edgemarketplace@gmail.com or WhatsApp: 07055544089. Within 24 hours, e-Books will be send to you! PLEASE NOTE THAT PAYING THROUGH THE LINK GIVES YOU AUTOMATIC ACCESS!

Pay In to:  The Edge Marketplace Global Service

Bank Name: GT Bank

Account Number: 0588656333

Bonus 1

My Free WhatsApp Conversation Template

I will handover to you my WhatsApp Conversation Template that I personally use to convert visitors from my facebook Advert to consistent customers that pays for my imported goods.

Bonus 2

Hair Accessoriess Business

money back


30 day guarantee

100% Guarantee for 30-Days

This guide is the result of what i have tested and has given me results.

This package is worth more than 25,000 naira but because i want you to truly succeed in this business like those you admire have, i am offering it to you at 5,000 naira.

There is hardly any guide out there on importation as comprehensive as this and that gives you the support you will receive.

If you execute as shown to you and you do not get results after 30 days, you can rest be rest assured of your money back!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Importers Guide e-Book COMBO OFFER About?

Importers guide e-Book COMBO OFFER is a mini-importation series e-Books that teaches you about how to start your mini-importation business from Turkey.

How to import Fabrics and Lace from China, Dubai and Turkey.

How to import Human hairs, Remy Hairs and Synthetic Hairs  from China, Vietnam, India and Cambodia and how to skyrocket your mini-importation business with 90 hot products from Chinese suppliers with comprehensive information on what to import, how to import from these countries with contacts of suppliers of different products and shipping agents.

What will I learn in this Importers Guide?

You will learn how to import from:


You will learn how to import Fabrics and lace from China, Dubia and Turkey

You will learn how to import Hairs extensions from China, Vietnam, India and Cambodia

And you will learn how to Skyrocket your mini-importation business

Every tool that you need to import from these countries has been added in the importers guide including suppliers contacts and shipping agent for you to jumpstart your importation business in less than 10 days.


Do I need to attend another Masterclass training after getting is e-Books? 

No you will not need to attend any further masterclass or training as far as Turkey, Fabrics Importation and Hair Importation is concern. I have covered everything you need to know about importing goods from these countries and I have also added the contacts of trusted Suppliers and Shipping agent that will help you source buy and ship down your goods to Nigeria.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is this Importers Guide e-Book For? 

Anyone who desire to start or grow their mini-importation business.

Anyone who desire to start or grow their fabrics business

Anyone who desire to start a hair extension business or desire to grow her hair business

Anyone into the E-ecommerce business and want to learn how to import from Turkey

Anyone who need a side hustle business

Full time house wives who desire to start their home business

Anyone who want to import fro their family use.

Is the training a whatsApp class?  

The Importers guide e-Book COMBO OFFER is a Four pack e-Books that teaches you about how you can import from Turkey.

How to Skyrocket your mini-importation business

How you can Import Fabrics From Turkey, China and Dubai as well as how to Import hair extensions from China, Vietnam, India and Cambodia all from the comfort of your home, it is not a WhatsApp class.

What is the method of delivery of the e-Book 

After a successful purchase of this e-Book COMBO OFFER you will be directed to a link where you will automatically download the importers guide, however if you pay via direct bank transfer you will need to send your payment details to 07055544089 on WhatsApp and delivery takes 24 hours. After confirmation of your payment the link to download your books will be send on WhatsApp.

My Personal Invitation

With the experience of more than 3 years in  providing E-Commerce solutions and importation business.

I know from experience how it feels like to import inferior products and also loosing all your profit to wholesellers all because you can not import goods directly from suppliers.

I want to personally show you how you can build your own business from the comfort of your bed like me importing quality products from Turkey,  quality fabrics from China, Dubai and Turkey, 100% Virgin hair, Remy hairs ansd synthectic hairs from China, Vietnam, India aand Cambodai as well as how to skyrocket your mini-importation business using my exact strategy, agents, secrets and profit system.

You may be wondering why I am giving all these out at such a ridiculous price of 5000. The truth is that mini-importation has earned me money as a woman and I have been able to support my family with the proceeds I got from this home-business and also build a growing company for myself all from the comfort of my home.

I feel that more Mums like me should get access to this knowledge and start this as a side hustle or you could turn it into a full time business if you wish.

There is only one issue…. The offer will be available for only 24 hours.

Click on the Get Access button to get access immediately.

Ready to Build your Own Business?

I will be giving only Few Persons  access to this e-Books COMBO OFFER at 5000 naira , Once this countdown is off you won't be able to get access to this one-time and Lifetime opportunity.

Save 20,000 Today and Get all The Four e-Books For the Price of one at 5,000


To pay using bank account, pay 5000 Naira only to the account number and send proof of payment to edgemarketplace@gmail.com or WhatsApp: 07055544089. Within 24 hours, e-Books will be send to you! PLEASE NOTE THAT PAYING THROUGH THE LINK GIVES YOU AUTOMATIC ACCESS!

Pay In to:  The Edge Marketplace Global Service

Bank Name: GT Bank

Account Number: 0588656333


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